Cloud 9 | Blog

Discover IT that enables, empowers, enriches, evolves.

We kick all consultancy projects off with a discovery session…you don’t know what you don’t know, and neither do we. So we have to fix that first. And the benefits of getting IT right? Well…

• IT with a purpose
• competitive advantage
• cost reduction
• risk minimisation
• measurement and accountability

If IT were to stay still, frozen in time, then continually assessing its performance and usefulness wouldn’t be necessary. But, it doesn’t, and it is.

There’s no point trying to shortcut the ‘getting to know you’ phase of any relationship (as Geoff in accounts will no doubt tell you). It’ll only cost more, take longer and be more painful.

Think of the discovery phase as you and us, working together to make sure your IT strategy and deployment is compatible with your overall business objectives. IT that enables, empowers, enriches, evolves. That’s the dream. If only all relationships were that life affirming… Poor Geoff.

Find out more about the discovery phase or book a call.