The importance of getting cloud security right, now.

Posted 17 July 2024 by Elsa

In a complex world of identities, devices and huge amounts of data (with varying degrees of sensitivity and access requirements) – it’s hard to know where to begin before embarking on a cloud migration or other major IT project.

The absolute fundamental to building an environment that is secure, flexible, scalable and to your exact requirements, is making sure you know precisely what you’re dealing with before you begin. From user identities that have been gathering dust; devices that are long out of date or begging for security updates; the megabytes of defunct files and apps taking up costly space (with a big carbon footprint to match); or those highly sensitive business and personnel files that everyone in the organisation has access to... it’s time to get it all out in the open.

So, what does a good cloud security review (or audit) look like?

The information gleaned from a review of your cloud environment should include everything you need to know to build a secure and robust IT infrastructure. It should include a comprehensive report of the current security posture of the environment and the configuration health of the identity and devices. It should also provide detailed recommendations for improvement across all these areas, including prioritised actions to assist in building a Microsoft roadmap for the future.

But how much does it cost?

The price of our cloud security review starts at £3,820. Others are available on the market; some may cost more, and others may cost less. The key is choosing a partner who you trust with your most prized assets – and who is prepared to look under all the rocks in all the darkest corners of your environment. The Azured Cloud Security Review covers Microsoft services within the key areas of identity, devices, applications and infrastructure, including Conditional Access, Single Sign-On (SSO), email security, OneDrive, Teams, SharePoint and Azure subscriptions.

Key benefits of Azured's security review: 

Azured’s Cloud Security Review is a small, low commitment engagement that delivers actionable insights for immediate improvement. At the end of the review, you will understand precisely where you are with your cloud security, and how to make it better.

Our security consultants use a proven methodology based on Microsoft best practice, the CIS framework, and decades of specialist security experience to ensure you have all the information required to improve your security posture.

The report can be used for remediation by an internal team or a third party ­­– or you might like us so much that you choose to stick with us!

Here's what our clients have to say:

"The Azured Cloud Security Review visibly improved our cloud security in a very short space of time. The comprehensive report has enabled us to develop a robust roadmap for the future." Neil Burman, IT Director, Charmill Consulting

"Azured improved our Microsoft Secure Score from 23% to 92%, practically overnight. There's something very comforting in knowing you're in a safe pair of hands that you can trust." Alex Manning, Head of IT, Tecknuovo


Find out more about how the Azured Cloud Security Review can help protect your business. Or watch this short video on how to get the most out of our favourite security tool, Microsoft Secure Score.